Flipkart Seller Registration

To register as a seller on Flipkart, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Flipkart seller registration page: Go to the Flipkart seller registration page by typing "Flipkart seller registration" in your preferred search engine or directly visiting the Flipkart seller website.

2. Click on "Register": On the Flipkart seller registration page, click on the "Register" button to begin the registration process.

3. Provide your basic information: Fill in the required information about yourself and your business. This includes your name, email address, mobile number, and business details such as the name of your company, business type, and business address. Click on "Next" to proceed.

4. Enter your GST details: Provide your Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration details if applicable. This is mandatory for selling on Flipkart. If you are not registered under GST, you can still sell certain products, but there may be restrictions.

5. Complete business details: Fill in additional details about your business, such as your PAN card number, bank account information, and business type (individual, partnership, or company).

6. Choose a business model: Select the business model that suits your requirements. Flipkart offers two models: Marketplace (where you sell your own products) or Flipkart Advantage (where Flipkart handles fulfillment for your products).

7. Complete the registration process: Review the provided information for accuracy and completeness. If everything is in order, submit your registration form.

8. Verification and activation: Flipkart will review your application and may contact you for further verification or documentation if required. Once your application is approved, you will receive an email with the activation details for your Flipkart seller account.

9. Set up your seller account: Log in to your Flipkart seller account using the provided credentials. Complete the setup process, including adding your business information, bank account details, tax information, and other relevant details.

10. Start listing and selling: Once your seller account is set up, you can start listing your products on Flipkart, manage inventory, set prices, and handle orders and customer service.

Ensure that you comply with Flipkart's seller policies and guidelines throughout the registration process and when selling on the platform.